The concept of flow and what it means in sport.... Interview with Professor Dan Gould12 Aug, 2012 in Flow tagged Coaches
An explanation of the concept of burn out and its implication into sport.... Interview with Professor Dan Gould12 Aug, 2012 in Motivation tagged Coaches
Video on Competitive Anxiety from theory to implications in sport.... Interview with Professor Lew Hardy on Competitive Anxiety12 Aug, 2012 in Anxiety
Interview with Professor Sandy Gordon on Goal setting in sport Professor Sandy Gordin dicussing on Goal Setting in Sport12 Aug, 2012 in Goal Setting / Psychology Techniques
The astounding power of beliefs...... Whether you believe you can or you can’t – you’re ...12 Aug, 2012 in Blog tagged Athletes
Is there no such thing as pressure? Usainbolt…always a cartoon character running like speedy Gonzales…..5 Aug, 2012 in Blog tagged Athletes